- Tablee populaire
- Tactik personnel de promotion
- Tailored brands
- Talentech
- Tapis michel laplume
- Tas
- Taveo
- Tbooth wireless
- Tbooth wireless / la cabine t sans-fil
- Tbos live
- Tc transcontinental
- Td
- Td bank
- Tda/h mauricie centre du québec
- Tda/h mauricie centre-du-québec
- Tda/h mauricie et centre-du-québec
- Teach for canada
- Teacherix, inc
- Techlift international
- Techlift internationnal
- Technel construction
- Techno-dem
- Techno-dem inc.
- Technocell inc
- Technocell inc.
- Technogenie - chasseurs de talents
- Technologie delan
- Technologies humanware
- Technologies humanware canada inc.
- Technologies humanware inc
- Technologies humanware inc.
- Tela brasileira
- Télé-ressources
- Telus
- Telus communications
- Tenaquip
- Tenaquip limitée
- Tenco inc.
- Tenco inc. - groupe alamo
- Terrasses de la fonderie.
- Textiles monterey (1996) inc.
- Textron
- Tfi international
- Thaï express
- Thc - the human corporation
- The brick
- The brick warehouse lp
- The certus group of companies
- The certus group of companies inc.
- The data group of companies